Website Seo score checker

Friday 11 November 2016

Glossary Of SEO


Blog - A regularly up to date phase of a internet site where you often post contents. The Informations keep visitors on the web page and attracts more visitors, and helping the Ranking of website in search engines.

Backlink - An approaching link from another site to the target site. If this links are in High Quality it will help in search engine ranking.

Black hat SEO - SEO Methods that don't follow the webmaster's recommendations. It would provide short rank boosts however also increase the chance of getting penalized with drop in rankings.

Bounce rate  - The rate of guests to your site who exit without going by any of your different site pages. Skip rates ( Bounce rates) ought to be kept in least to rank higher in search engine results.


Canonical URL - The best address where clients will have the capacity to locate the right bit of data they look for. Determining this URL makes it simple for web crawlers to distinguish which address has the best data.

Conversion  - A number of clients who perform different craved activities like filling forms, making buys, joining or subscribing.

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