Website Seo score checker

Thursday 1 December 2016

Glossary Of SEO


Duplicate content - Refers to contents which are equal to different contents determined in different webpages. Search engines might penalise duplicate contents.

Doorway page/Gateway page - A webpage that draws site visitors from a search engine and then redirecting the traffic to another webpage. Almost similar to cloaking.


External Links - They point to an external website or domain.


Feed - Content conveyed to users through news aggregators


Googlebot/Spider - Google’s spiders or crawlers index webpages in the search engine’s database after considering various elements.


Headings  - Text placed inside the heading tags (ex H1,H2) in a webpage.

.htaccess  - Text files hidden inside the server used to control how users will interact with website.


Inbound Links - A link coming  from other website to our website

Indexed pages  - Pages in our website have been stored in search engine database.


Javascript - Its a Scripting language allows changing the content in a website,  But its not easily read by search engines. Its less preferred in SEO

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