Website Seo score checker

Monday 7 November 2016

Glossary Of SEO

Improving a website for search engines is not a simple procedure. It contains lots of Techniques & Methods in it. Here are a couple of critical terms utilized as a part of SEO and their rearranged definitions for perusers who are new to website streamlining. This Glossary can be helpful to all.

ALT text/Tag - Unmistakably, search engines can't read a picture. ALT tags help them to read pictures. They are descriptions of a picture on a website which search engines have the ability to examine & index.

Anchor text - Fundamentally, the visible text in a hyperlink that guides to a website. It will show up in blue color to give an idea to users what they will see if click it.

Analytics - Uses to analyze & gathering information about a site use, Eg: Google Analytics

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